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Wing Chun Training.

In Wing Chun there are only 3 empty hand forms, 2 weapon forms and a wooden dummy form. This is because the system is very refined and direct so lots of forms for training are not needed.


Even though there are not many forms the level of detail in each is incredable and takes a long time to learn so it is important to train hard and correctly so we can learn as much as we can so our skill will be good.


Inbetween class it is also important to train what we know so we dont loose what skill we develop. In our ancesters rules it says "Practise Regulary, Keep The Skill With You At All Times".


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Structure and Centre Line Theory


As you can see from the picture to the left the Wing Chun structor is made up from triangles and very strong


If you stand with your legs too close together you will not be able to balance well. If you stand with your legs too far apart you will not be able to move quick enough when needed so the Wing Chun stance is both strong and mobile.


Wing Chun uses a Centre Line Theory. We protect our own centre and when attacking, attack the centre of others. When we punch we move in a straight line and if we meet an obsticle we move so we don't have to deal with the strength used by our opponent. That is why Wing Chun is a good skill as it allows small people to deal with big people.

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Weapons and Training Tools Used


In Wing Chun it is very important to train with others so we can reach a high skill level but there are also forms and weapons to learn in the system. Even though some of the weapons are not used in combat any more it is important to still train with them and understand them and their benefits so a complete system can be passed on. To the left is a picture of Ipman's weapons and dummy from the wing chun museum in China



Baat Jaam Dao  (wing chun knives)

Luk Dim Boon Guan (wing chun pole)


Some Wing Chun Training Tools

Muk Yan Jong ( Wooden Dummy)

Dan Chi Sau (single sticking hands)

Chi Sau (sticking Hands)

Blind Folded Chi Sau (sticking hands blind folded)

Chi Gerk (sticking legs)


Forms in Wing Chun Kung Fu


Forms you will learn in the wing chun system


  1. Siu Lim Tao (Gong Lik, Fa jing and basic techniques)

  2. Chum Kiu     (Foot work)

  3. Muk Yan Jong wooden dummy (Presicion, range and conditioning)

  4. Biu Jee         (Range, using elbows and fingers, recovering the centre)

  5. Baat Jaam Dao (Wing chun knife skill, wrist strength and foot work)

  6. Luk Dim Boon Guan (internal strength balance and co ordernation)

For Wing Chun Butterfly Knives, Swords, Baat Jaam Dao to buy that are suitable for sparring or applications practice please click here.

Structural Development Training

Fa Jing Releasing Power Development Training

General Development Training

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