Mann Family School of Kung Fu Official Thank You Page.
On this page the Mann Family would like to take the opportunity to personally thank all the people listed below for everything they have done & the time they have taken to help our school inside & outside of school opening hours. Without your help non of what we do, or what we have achieved would of been possible, thank you all.
People Who Donated Money To Help The Grimsby/Cleethorpes School Open in The Crowdfund Project Completed Jan 2022.
Pledger name: Total Amounts Donated £:
Sport England (Match Funding) 2500
Chris Bartle 100
Conner Hall 20
Chris Bartle 50
Richard Willis 10
Helen Willis 50
Simon Welton 50
Sally Greetham 5
John Tidswell 50
Fred Gilchrist 20
Fred Gilchrist 5
Mr Nigel Patrick Birkett 30
Carl Castledine 50
Pamela Leach 10
Rosie-ellis Brothwood 55
Gary Bielby 20
Luke Bullock 50
Zoe Butters 10
Ismat HafiI bin Mohamed 20
Sam Janney 50
Darrell Simms 10
Victoria Bedford 10
Victoria Tasker 5
Adrian Bolton 5
James Hurst 30
Katy Waite 5
Ricky James ( Crystalline Granite Specialists ltd ) 250
Chris Taylor 100
Robbie - Joe Tidswell 5
Miguel Duran 15
Andrew Fieldhouse 100
Carrie Lewis-Hare 10
Natasha Jaferi 50
Katherine Wykes 5
George and Nir Mann 20
Matthew Ryder 10
Nicola Clarke 10
Mark Peter Hunt 20
Frances Burbidge 5
Neil Julian Coxall 20
Vivek Shah 20
Aleisha Jade Pope 5
owen Harriman 10
Paul Janney 20
Gemma Sandford 5
Sarah Brodie (Banaman School T-shirt Supplier Grimsby) 50
Malcolm & Ann Taylor 20
Sa Huynh 20
Shane Bispham 936
In Total for this project together we raised over £5000! and that's not the true total as many people that donated asked to remain anonymous, to those people you know who you are and we still wanted to say a special thank you to you all as well, although your donations anonymous its not taken for granted or forgotten.
Thanks to you all we raised enough money to open a community centre in East Marsh Cleethorpes that is not only the new home for our Grimsby\Cleethorpes classes but is also open for public use and will help thousands of people for many years to come, so well done on a great effort!

People Who Donated Money or Aid To Help The People of Ukraine For The Schools Ukrainian Mission Completed April 5th 2022.
In 2022 as a school we decided to try and help the people of Ukraine directly once Russia invaded their country, with millions of people displaced including thousands of children we wanted to do something and so come up with the Ukrainian Mission 2022!
over 3 weeks in March 2022 we collected donations of aid and financial support totalling over £7000 in value, we planned the logistics and all paperwork needed, found contacts in Ukraine and then my self Sifu Sean Mann and my student Simon Welton drive a the aid directly to Ukraine our self's before returning home safely a few days later.
This was a massive achievement for our school and an amazing effort by everyone involved, although what we achieved is small in terms of what's needed we as a good once again proved actions speak louder than words and I am extremely proud of what we did and how it was received by the people of Ukraine.
As well as thanking the many people that made Aid Donations and help organise the project, direct school students and otherwise i would also like to thank the people that pledged financially to the crowdfund, details can be found below, on top of this there was over £500 in anonymous donations as well, we can not list you by your request but we thank you for all your support also.
Pledger name: Total Amounts Donated £:
Sean Mann 65
Mark Peter Hunt 30
Mark green 20
Eryk Kpetse 50
Chris Bartle 100
Lee Curtis 45
Tim Turner 50
Patrick Moreline 10
Helen 50
Andrew Fieldhouse 250
S W Janney 20
Luke Bullock 100
Jayesh Parekh 50
Natasha Jaferi 200
Neil Thompson 10
richard willis 60
Sally Greetham 10
Sandra Budd 5
Sandra mann 20
Mark Peter Hunt 20
Jacki scott ( residents Chalfont close) 20
Tower Hill Methodist Church, Hessle 200
Jane Buckley 25
I would like to say a special thank you at this point to my student and close friend Simon Welton from Hull who come with me to Ukraine and helped with the driving as well as other things that was mission critical during this project, as you can imagine the trip to Ukraine wasn't without risk and his courage and determination to see the project a success was humbling, thank you my friend, was an absolute honour to share the experience with you.
Please see the short video below of how this project was put together and carried out, a massive well done and thank you to everyone involved, a truly life changing project for many people, I will personally never forget this and what we all did.

Wing Chun Wooden Dummy Donated to the Grimsby School in July 2023.
In April 2023 Sifu Darrrell Blissett, after a lifetimes dedication to the art of Wing Chun Kung Fu sadly passed away.
His daughter, Carley Marie Blissett, in memory of her dad kindly decided to donate his Wing Chun Kung Fu training dummy to the Mann Family School of Kung Fu in Grimsby. Because of this students for many generations to come can continue to benefit from using it and her fathers legacy may continue long in to the future as well. It is with great honour we except this donation, a memorial plaque has also been commissioned in Sifu Darrells name to be put in the school with his wooden training dummy, rest in peace Sifu and we thank you.
Most heart felt regards,
Sifu Sean Mann.
Sifu Darrell Blissett
25/11/1969 - 13/04/2023

National Lottery Funded Seminars, courses & Charity Events 2023 & 2024.
So far 2023 and 2024 has been a fantastic few years with us been able to invite Masters from across the world to visit and teach at our school for our students at weekend seminars in Wing Chun Kung Fu! Over this last 2 years we have had Masters David Blackley, Goksel Erdogan and Master Roland Tong a direct student of Ip Man himself, just to name a few, come over and its been grate! On top we even managed multiple training trips out to Germany to visit different schools over there as well for a lucky few groups of students.
All of this and much more has only been possible due to the ongoing funding we have been getting from the National Lottery Community Fund and we are all extremely grateful for the impact it continues to make on our school and local community's.
This is of course all on top of the FREE training courses we have now given to hundreds of local community members in self defence, as well as other charity work we have been involved in working with local food banks and others, again all only possible because of the funding we have received.
This year again we was also able to add to our training equipment meaning we was able to increase class and event sizes as well, so a fantastic year so far and still much to look forward to!
Aug 2024 seen the first group of UK students attend an instructor course in Stuttgart Germany allowing us to start to reach even deeper in the the skill and what we can offer to our local community, this should allow us to increase group and event sizes by nearly double in 2025, very exciting times indeed!!!
This page is constantly updated so please keep an eye out as we keep adding to the list of things we keep achieving over time together, we are here to serve our local community and together, with the help from the National Lottery Community Fund nothing is impossible!!!!
To see first hand some of the awesome community events we have done this year as a result of the funding help we get please look at the videos below.